
dissabte, de juny 23, 2007 Edit This 0 Comments »
be, there i'm, aci estic, mare meva....... ara si que m'he ficat en u embrolll, altre gir a lo bestia, tres mesos hem queden y com fa dos anys ja vaig fent compte enrere..... aquesta vegada hem costarà més, ja no sóc tan jove, hem faig vella.... pero si pense en les coses bones que m'esperen..... les coses bones que m'han passat ací venen..... shitt!!! seria millor si hagues siguet la pitjor xperiéncia de la meua vida..... pero com no es prou difícil..... oks, again in english (bloody flat mate, can't write with him watching... heheheh)every day at work i think "you don't like that, you don't like to be that" but then somebody (or "HIM") smiles at me o says "thanks", and there I am damm hell!!! all my plans fucked!!! what's that, that happens to me??? I'm gonna misss this life, my house, my big bedroom and double sized matress, flat mates, job mates, shopping mates, café mates, winw mates, open-air theatre mates, dancing mates, gym mates, drink mates and gay mates (jajajaja), every single thing..... but then I'm gonna be back with my old friens, new ones, the rest of my life after this experience,but that does not seem that good, it's scaring, pretty scaring, i'm lost...... well, well, well, know what?? I promise myself not to think about that much more, I see it when I see it....
Positive tinking, positive thinking, positive thinking,positive thinking,positive thinking,....mmmmmmmmmm, lets sing mantras and live!!!